Wednesday, November 24, 2010

what is up

what is up my readers. ive been listening to aloooooot of music lately. everything from bon jovi to eminem.if you really listen to the music you can hear the lyrics and understand them.if your really into the lyrics you can feel them. with that to think about heres another edition to elis.

before elis's eyes a world of adults stood before her. this was a nightmare! she slowly, ever so slowly, stepped out of the cherry. the adults stood around her. all in a rush or a hurry. and to her terror, the cherry was gone as she turned around.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


i am currently trying to get my little bro and sis to get into writing. well they are only four so i dont think theyre work will be that great as in a few years . if they get really good they have me to thank :). here is todays quotes
"the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."
"think with your mouth closed"